
Renee Zerle


Renee is Director of Kommunity Group Project Foundation, and a co-developer of the Kommunity Career Handbook programme. 

Renee has extensive client account management and business process efficiencies experience as well as Management of Product Marketing, Management & Product Strategy Consulting.

A multi-faceted 15 year background in Corporate Consulting and Client Relationship building and over 10 years direct involvement in social enterprise and NGO management offers Kommunity Group Projects Foundation with the required skills to manage both revenue and donor expectations moving ahead into assisting South Africa with one of its most pressing education and economic challenges. 

Renee collaborates with donors to create bespoke programmes, unique to each organisation and relative to their requirements and objective outcomes – and aligned with important beneficiary outcomes. Each organisation’s programme is conceptualized, researched and developed to ensure that new products and services benefit previously disadvantaged persons as well as add quality, assured outcomes and results for sponsoring donors. 

Renee has been active in the development and market application of educational and social development products across age groups and society with specific focus on low income and rural constituents, having also worked with Prof Shepherd Mayatula for a number of years in this regard.